Donate for a Cause; an NGO dedicated to underprivileged women of Gilgit-Baltistan

Friday 2 March 2012


It is our past experience and survey which reveals that the women in the hilly and remote areas women are mostly confined to their routine household activities. Besides raising their children in a very harsh weather / financial condition having no other meaningful activity to do. Though they are very hardworking and have the ability to learn something new. They only need to encourage and bring forward.  On the basis of this, Amina Technical Centre Skardu was build  and it was felt that why not  these women are provided the opportunities to do somthing productive to make them a useful part of this society. If they are trainied they could not only become supportive member of the family but a useful member of this society. The response was very encourging during the last six years with the help of community etc i.e. quite indignious without having any other source. We are using mannual machines and other equipment according to our financial position.  In this state of affairs achieving targted objective are possible, however, ATTC Skardu is lucky to make it successful due to its untiring efforts in providing vocational training to the women of the areas.    
During the last 6 years women participation in learning sewing, knitting, dress making and embroidery and other skills was remarkable. Many women from surrounding villages are looking for admission in the Vocational Center. The Vocational Centre needs more space and integration of this Centre to enroll more women into this Centre for making them useful member of this society.  

Keeping in view the above mentioned facts, we are looking some donors to upgrade our Vocational Centre with latest facilities replacing mannual machine into latest equipments; and construction of rooms to meet the increased demands from sorroundings villages of the areas. 

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